Month: July 2008

  • 80% FAILURE RATE:Maltreated Kids In Natural Homes Still Do Better Than Foster Care

    Foster care systems will continue to churn out walking wounded 4 out of 5 times! Imagine this: You go to a surgeon in need of an operation that is necessary in order to save your life.  When asking about his track record, the surgeon tells you… “Well… 80 % of my patients don’t get any…

  • Woman’s Head Shaved, Face Branded ‘Snitch’

    Police Say Woman Accused Of Calling Child Services Junw 22, 2007 PHOENIX — Four people have been arrested in connection with kidnapping, assaulting and using a branding iron to burn the word “snitch” on a Mesa woman’s face, police said. Investigators said they believe the crime was done in retaliation for reporting one of the…

  • Court ruling weakens child-rape law in Texas

    Death penalty provision in so-called Jessica’s Law is erased. Courtesy of Jason Embry , AMERICAN-STATESMAN Thursday, June 26, 2008 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday said states cannot use the death penalty to punish child rapists if the victim is not killed, erasing a key plank in the so-called Jessica’s Law that Texas…

  • Kids Are Waiting – Fix Foster Care

    As you may know, the popular, bipartisan adoption incentives program is set to expire in September 2008.  Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Jerry Weller (R-IL) just introduced a bipartisan proposal, H.R. 6307, the Fostering Connections to Success Act, that would extend the Adoption Incentive Program and improve the system in other ways as well. (Details…

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