Do You Have a Story To Tell? Here’s how to have it featured on our site.
Your story can be featured on our site.

Over the years It’s Almost Tuesday has been in contact with countless families affected by the child welfare system. We believe that all voices deserve to be heard.
We are looking to feature the stories of those families.
Are you a parent who lost their child to removal by CPS ? Did your child get injured or killed while in the care of the government?
Are you an adult whose childhood was robbed by the foster care system? Did you age out of foster care?
Are you a targeted parent of alienation? Are you the adult survivor of parental alienation in your childhood?
Tell us your story.
Email your story to with the subject line STORY SUBMISSION. All names must be redacted do ones remember to use either initials or a generic term like ‘mother, father or child’. And if you wish to include any documentation make sure it is redacted as well. You will be contacted if you’re story is selected at which time you can submit such documentation.
Please keep your story as factual and accurate as possible, no profanities, and close to 500 words as possible.
Your voice deserves to be heard and we would like to help make that possible. Godspeed.