Two California Guys Started a Moving Company And Ended Up Saving Lives..

and they do it for free!!

this is an awesome feel good story you MUST READ AND SHARE!

I ran across at The Good News Network..

There are still good people in the world.


This Moving Company Helps Women Leave Abusive Homes At No Cost

Getting out of an abusive relationship isn’t easy—but actually packing up and moving out is even more daunting.

Hundreds of women have Aaron and Evan Steed to thank for coming to the rescue. These owners of a California moving company have volunteered to complete the move for them, free of charge.

When they first started their business, Meathead Movers in 1997, the high school athletes were simply looking for a way to earn some extra cash. Back then, their fee was usually $20 and a pizza.

As their business grew, the Steeds started getting occasional, frantic phone calls from women with little or no money who wanted to quickly move out before their abusers returned home.

The sympathetic movers always declined any compensation and rushed to the address to load their belongings.

One day, in 2000, a situation turned volatile when the abuser came home in the middle of the move. It was then that the company decided it had to ensure that the women and the moving crew were both safe, so they partnered with a local women’s shelter.

“What was good about that is, they could be vetting the requests for help, supporting the women with counseling, and making sure when we went in, the proper restraining orders were in place, or police were on hand if necessary,” Meathead’s CEO Aaron Steed told Good News Network.

Beth Raub, director of the local women’s shelter, said that one of their staff is always on-site the day of the move so they can “call law enforcement if things get dicey.”

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