Texas harms foster children with inattention, shoddy system, lawsuit says

By ROBERT T. GARRETT Source: Dallas Morning News Austin Bureau rtgarrett@dallasnews.com Published 29 March 2011 10:38 AM AUSTIN — Texas violates the rights of abused and neglected children by running a shoddy foster care system, the New York-based group Children’s Rights says in a class-action federal lawsuit filed Tuesday. Too many youths are isolated and linger for...

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Over 1300 online petitioners say judicial actions in FLDS case is deserving of impeachment

Click Here to view the 1385 Online Petition Signatures to Impeach Texas District Judge Barbara Walther Over FLDS Fiasco Published by Daniel T. Weaver on Jun 01, 2008 Category: Government/Law Region: United States of America Target: State of Texas Web site: http://upstreamzine.wordpress.com Description/History: Texas Judge Barbara Walther authorized the removal of more than 400 children...

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