Before he was caught for child rape….

Who was he, before he was a convicted pedophile? He was the reason a child’s life was destroyed.

After PLEADING GUILTY to several counts of aggravated SEXUAL ASSAULT ON A MINOR, COMPELLING PROSTITUTION, and SEXUAL PERFORMANCE BY A CHILD, Ronnie Cummings was the instigator & co-conspirator in a plot to separate another little boy and his mother. Why would he do such a thing? Out of malice & out of spite following a divorce that left him holding a permanent protective order and a $50,000.00 past due child support bill.

The end result was a little boy, who. at 8 years old, was very aware of the situations around him. He was very bonded to his mother, and was ripped from his home, put into a foster home (where his fear of being kidnapped began); and ultimately, he was abused in foster care, overmedicated by the government to the point of seizures and medical side effects, and he lost his mother & stepfather who raised him, his dog, his friends, home, and life.

During the entire time he ruined that little boys life, he was molesting other children. Ronnie Cummings is a danger to children, and should he be returned to society, would, undoubtedly, re-offend.

The little boy’s mother has not seen him in 3 years. She does not even have a recent picture. The child is out there somewhere but the mother is restrained from coming close to him, even if she did find him, because of the false allegations made by this PEDOPHILE and the coverup the State of Texas scrambled to create to erase their mistakes when they GRANTED VISITATION TO A CHILD MOLESTER after they IGNORE WARNINGS BY THE MOTHER.

So the mother is put to rest when they change the child’s name, put her under a gag order, and threaten jail time if she doesn’t leave it alone.

Thanks Patrick Wilson – Your signing of a reduction in charges FOR A CHILD MOLESTER just took the ONLY peace, serenity, and dreamless sleep that mother had, knowing that monster who didn’t just molest a child he was convicted for.

Ronnie Cummings also terrorized another family, ripped apart a little boy’s life, and it happened because of people like you … people who let Ronnie Cummings get away with his actions. It is in this allowance that Ronnie Cummings (and other abusers) grow bolder and bolder. What next?

Patrick Wilson – you are just like the rest of the pedophiles you support in Ellis County, Texas, sickening.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to a recording of a visit that reveals what really happens in the Texas Foster Care System.

He came to the visit bruised and bloody on December 22nd, just before Christmas.

He had been “stoned” with rocks by 3 foster brothers while the foster parent watched but did not stop the incident from happening.

The child went unconscious.

The foster parents did not get the child medical attention.

When asked about the incident, the CPS worker said “I have no idea, I just transport the children…”

This was to make-up a visit canceled the day before in an attempt by Collin County Childrens’ Advocacy Center, to hide the child’s injuries.

On the prior day, the foster parents had falsely told the child that his mother did not show up for the visit. Meanwhile, the CPS worker falsely told the mother the foster parents ‘forgot’ to bring him.

Only after throwing a fit did they allow this make-up visit, which gave the mother an opportunity to find out the truth.

The child and his mother were only allowed to see each other

only one more time after the mother recorded the child’s injuries.

The child arrived overdosed on improper medications they “forgot” the child was not supposed to take, according to what the child told his mother. His hands were frozen in a seizure like position, and his body shook uncontrollably.

He arrived at the visit carrying a realistic gun in his pocket, a toy the foster children were given and taught how to shoot guns in target practice (while taking these improper medications). At the time this child was only 8 years old.

The following visit took place December 2004 at a Texas CPS Children’s Advocacy Center between an 8 year old child and his mother.

This child’s case was ruled out for physical abuse at his natural home, but the same cannot be said for his foster home.

He had been removed and placed in foster care where he was…actually… abused…

Upon questioning throughout this visit, the mother learns that the child had been told by the foster family that he didn’t go to the visit the day before because the mother did not show up. That simply was not true. The foster family “forgetting to bring him” wasn’t true either.

Were they trying to cover up his injuries…..?

The child was, after this visit, removed from that home, and placed in kinship care, however, the mother only saw her child one more time after this visit….

Ruled out for physical abuse at home, taken and placed in state’s care to be abused… and then his injuries attempted to be covered up…

child protective services …? protecting who?

Its been nearly 3 years since this incident occured. Case has been closed for some time now, but nobody was ever held accountable for the abuse against this child, nor to the family for the suffering it caused. The mother has not seen the child in over 2 years, and remember – no abuse had occurred – ruled out – the CPS administrative review sustained a finding that the mother had a history of a drug use and was uncooperative with a non-conforming attitude towards the system; but no injuries to the child.

In fact, the caseworker herself states that the mother interacts appropriately with the child, that the case is not so much a case of child abuse, but rather an ongoing custody battle.

In the child’s interview with the social worker the child specifically states that he is not abused, unhappy, harmed, afraid, or otherwise feels in danger with his mom.

2 years since she’s seen him.

Now its time for the truth.

Click here to listen to the audio recording as you read the transcripts below.


mother: hey you…hi baby

child: i bought it

mother: you bought it?

mother: <gasp> what happened to your eye??

child: something really horrible

mother: what happened baby?

child: i was throwing rocks into the creek and my foster brothers hit me in the eye with the rocks

mother: when did this happen?

child: a few days ago

mother: did you go to the doctor?

child: my foster father was in the army and he knew what to gave me a butterfly bandaid on it and put stuff on it

mother: can you see ok?

child: yeah, except this eye’s still a little blurry

mother: look up look up with your eye not with your whole head

mother :was it an accident?

child: nuh uh (indicating a negative they were throwing rocks straight at me

mother: who?

child: my foster brothers

mother: it looks like you had a bloody nose

child: i didn’t

mother: no you have blood in your nose

child: i do?

mother (to cps worker): he has blood in his nose

child: i do?

cps worker: I didnt see

mother: come here

child: probably because of the…its so cold outside

cps worker: mine are a little dry too

child: i have in my pocket there’s this really cool cap gun i got

child: i have it in my pocket …you know whats really cool about it, it sounds like a real gun its really loud

mother: there’s blood on your shirt

child: this is water

mother: no this is blood

child: it is?

mother: water is not that color

child: i didn’t know my nose was bleeding

mother (to cps worker): are they gonna do something about removing him from these kids if they’re throwing rocks at him

cps worker: i have no idea

child: pam said that i need to get along with them

mother: no, not if he’s got a black eye from rocks

cps worker: I have… i’m not… i don’t know anything only time is transporting so..i don’t know…

child: its a fake gun

mother: but you know i don’t let you play with guns

child: its fake

mother: i don’t care…here…eat your food

mother: Merry christmas baby, i know you’re…I love you …I love you.

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