Is Psychiatry Really The Answer For Our Children? GREAT LINKS FOR PARENTS

Source: (A WONDERFUL SITE) Essays, articles and other information pertaining to the fraud of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) — Compiled by Dr. Fred Baughman. The Parental Intelligence Report on ‘ADHD’ by Bob New Web site features Dr. Fred Baughman on video exposing the national experts on the ADHD fraud....

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A Foster Parent Can Get Paid, Cage Kids & Still Stay Out of Jail

Updated:2007-02-15 22:11:30Couple Sentenced for Child EndangermentThey Had Adopted Special-Needs Kids Sleep in CagesBy THOMAS J. SHEERAN AP NORWALK, Ohio (Feb. 15) – A couple who forced some of their 11 adopted, special-needs children to sleep in wire-and-wood cages were sentenced to two years in prison Thursday, after the parents insisted they were only trying...

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A Foster Parent Can Get Paid, Cage Kids & Still Stay Out of Jail

Updated:2007-02-15 22:11:30Couple Sentenced for Child EndangermentThey Had Adopted Special-Needs Kids Sleep in CagesBy THOMAS J. SHEERAN AP NORWALK, Ohio (Feb. 15) – A couple who forced some of their 11 adopted, special-needs children to sleep in wire-and-wood cages were sentenced to two years in prison Thursday, after the parents insisted they were only trying...

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Notice to Texas Parents Affected By CPS/TDPRS

Committee discussion topics should address the goal of identifying best practices, areas of concern and opportunities for the improvement in outcomes for children and families within the investigative stage of service. The Committees charge includes reviewing existing investigation policies and to identify and recommend best practices for parental involvement. I am asking those who...

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Petition For Children’s Rights Against Stigma And Psychiatric Drug Abuse

Petition For Children’s Rights Against Stigma And Psychiatric Drug AbuseView Current Signatures – Sign the Petition To: President George Bush Whereas:The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted and proclaimed on December 10, 1948, states in Article 5, “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading...

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Child Welfare System Must Grow Up

Tuesday, October 14, 2003By Wendy McElroy,3566,99942,00.html Monday, September 29, 2003 –Too many children have been unnecessarily placed in foster care because of a “perverse financial incentive” that encourages local governments to earn money by bringing youngsters into the system, a new state report says. The study by the California Department of Social Services...

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State’s Child Protection Agencies Collude with Judges to Defraud Federal Government©

State’s Child Protection Agencies Collude with Judges to Defraud Federal Government©Nev Moore Jan. ’02 AFRA In 1974 Walter Mondale initiated CAPTA (the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act), the legislation that began feeding federal funding into the state’s child welfare agencies. With remarkable foresight Mondale expressed concerns that the legislation could lead to systemic...

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