I saw filthy living conditions

- “Pee wall” next to sleeping quarters at therapeutic foster camp.
make-shift outhouses

- “playhouse” at a therapeutic foster camp
unsanitary food storage in so-called outdoor camps

- Sleeping facilities outside at therapeutic foster camp.
where children must sleep in sleeping bags – no walls, no fans, no heat – for months and months and in many cases, year after year.

- Water hole where children at therapeutic foster camp are forced to shower year round.
That’s not care.

- Isolation area to punish foster children in attic with lock on outside of door.
That’s cruelty.

- Worker at therapeutic foster camp demonstrating a technique in restraint of foster child.
That’s not educating.

- Are foster children being forced to wear army clothes? Why?
That’s endangering”

Carol Strayhorn on Texas Foster Care System in 2004