BREAKING NEWS: Judge in Texas Orders CPS Cannot Contact Children They Wrongly Removed From Family

After pleading the 5th when asked why they removed these children from their family, the social worker was ordered NOT TO CONTACT the children.

The judge was MAD AS HELL


Removing kids from their home IS A BIG DEAL.

5 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Judge in Texas Orders CPS Cannot Contact Children They Wrongly Removed From Family

  1. genzmiyagi says:

    Grayson County, Texas Corruption.

    Please read and share if possible..

    1. 14thdaymom says:

      thank you for visiting us, Grayson County is a place near and dear to my heart. i encourage everyone to go check out your site. you have alot of very good information available. my heart goes out to you and your situation. godspeed.

      1. genzmiyagi says:

        Thank you! Take care 🙂

    2. Chelsea Foreman says:

      I am speechless after reading ur WordPress! I’m going thru the exact same thing!!!! I’m stuck in grayson county both my girls are in foster care I have proof of all there wrong doings and illegal stuff. Please contact me I need help!

      1. 14thdaymom says:

        Oh I am so incredible sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. I am quite familiar with Grayson County,I have family there. Please email me directly and we’ll talk. If nothing else maybe I can lead you to find some help. Godspeed.

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