Who’s Taking Whose Kids? The Trafficking of Kids in the USA

I didn’t want to talk about this.

I didn’t want to talk about this.


I didn’t want to think about this.

Human Trafficking

Epstein’s dead (I think) and the rest got squashed.

The laptop is real and Twitter was squashed.

I accepted the fact that there’s no sense in talking about this.



Damnit now I have to talk about this.

Do you know that the industry of human trafficking including children is worth billions of dollars a year. It’s worth more than drug trafficking. It’s also being done by people or with the knowledge and assistance of those who are in positions of power. Allegedly. There’s the open borders, the midnight flights to sanctuary cities, the converted Walmarts, the lizard people and the black eyed children. There’s gargoyles in Denver airport, protestors gluing themselves to paintings, Mike Tyson and that Jake youngster, and of course there’s Trump and his latest drama, and Biden talking to a bush and smelling random kid’s hair, and Hilary. She’s eating babies.

Now, Puff Daddy Sean Combs, a gangster rap mogul worth as much as drug trafficking has been arrested for drug and sex trafficking.  I’m not surprised. Were you ?  That’s like being shocked to learn that Alex Jones has been cancelled again, or Elon Musk has another crackpot idea to do.

All joking aside, what I’m talking about is the kids. The kids that are missing. Kids that nobody realizes are missing. Kids that nobody cares are missing. To traffickers, not talking about them bolsters them and allows them to operate in plain sight.


Without borders how many kids from there southern border are being separated and lost from their parents? How many remain lost, and will never come home? I don’t think the pain of losing a child knows languages, borders, poverty level, marital status or citizenship. It’s the same worldwide.

The pain of losing a child is a death sentence to a living parent and without resolve it can never heal.

Someone said Diddy should not be charged because everyone whose a rich celebrity in these elite circles all have parties like Diddy had and they’ve been doing it so long in front of everyone that it shouldn’t be illegal for them. Diddy bought land at the border where he’s allegedly been bringing in kids from the border wall mere feet from his land. Just because he’s such and family’s doesn’t make it okay. The mother’s of these children who suffer a tsunami ambiguous loss  of their children may not be from the USA, sending their kids in the hopes of a better life, relying on false promises. So when their kids go missing, they only themselves to blame would be the narrative. The gaslighting. Their pain probably runs deeper than most people know.

I know there’s not much anyone can do to stop it. This is bigger than anything I’d certainly ever want to face, but it’s real, and real people are suffering. So, let’s take a moment for them.


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