Petition For Children’s Rights Against Stigma And Psychiatric Drug Abuse

Petition For Children’s Rights Against Stigma And Psychiatric Drug Abuse
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To: President George Bush

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted and proclaimed on December 10, 1948, states in Article 5,

“no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment”;

The above right is also affirmed under Article 37 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and under Article 33 of that Convention, which states that

children have the right to protection from the “illicit use of psychotropic substances”;

Medical research indicates considerable controversy and diverse opinion about the validity of childhood behavioral or learning “disorders” such as but not limited to, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and which are not scientifically substantiated;

In the United States, up to six million children have been administered potentially addictive, psychotropic stimulants and other drugs because of these psychiatric “disorders”;

Such psychotropic stimulants have the same abuse liability as cocaine, and are considered more potent than cocaine; and that such drugs can cause other adverse reactions, including:

psychosis, agitation, bizarre dreams, loss of appetite, confusion, and depersonalization, and do not improve academic performance;

Parents and children are being denied adequate information about the lack of science behind childhood psychiatric “disorders,” and the risks associated with drugs prescribed for them;

Parents and children are being denied information about alternatives to drug treatment for classroom or behavioral problems, such as nutritional, creative and educational solutions and, thereby are being denied the right to “informed consent”;

Be it known that
We, the undersigned, sincerely request that the government implement legal safeguards to prevent children from being stigmatized as “mentally disordered,” especially through “Special Education,” or through the use of psychological questionnaires and tests in the class room, and to protect their inalienable right to be educated drug-free.

The Undersigned
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The Petition For Children’s Rights Against Stigma And Psychiatric Drug Abuse Petition to President George Bush was created by Citizens Commission on Human Rights® International and written by Citizens Commission on Human Rights® International. This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. The petition scripts are created by Mike Wheeler at Artifice, Inc. For Technical Support please use our simple Petition Help form.

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