Names of top politicians, royal aides and a famous pop star on list seized by police investigating child paedophile ring at suburban B&B

Names of top politicians, royal aides and a famous pop star on list seized by police investigating child paedophile ring at suburban B&B

  • List found among documents after raid at the home of former child protection worker


PUBLISHED: 07:57 EST, 20 January 2013 | UPDATED: 08:05 EST, 20 January 2013

MP Tom Watson sparked the police investigation into child abuse at a guest house after a speech into the CommonsMP Tom Watson sparked the police investigation into child abuse at a guest house after a speech into the Commons

Police investigating allegations of a child paedophile network have seized a list naming  top politicians, members of the royal household and a world-renowned pop star, it was reported today.

They were allegedly visitors to a bed and breakfast guest house which operated as a brothel where youngsters were abused at gay sex parties.

The names were recorded on a handwritten note found by police at the North London home of child protection worker Mary Moss during a raid.

She had initially declined to co-operate with the investigation. Documents and a laptop were seized and Ms Moss later handed over other 19 files she had put in a neighbor’s shed.

The papers include a list of men who went to sex parties in the 80’s at the Elm Guest House, in Barnes, south west London.

Among them were two former Conservative Cabinet ministers, four other senior Tories, a Labour MP, a prominent Irish republican and a leading National Front member, according to the Sunday People.

The note also allegedly names two members of the royal household – one a former Buckingham Palace employee – plus the owner of a multinational company and two pop stars.

One of those is a best-selling musician, but like some others on the list he is not suspected of being involved in any child abuse.

Linked to a sex ring: MP Sir Cyril Smith
Linked to a sex ring scandal Anthony Blunt

Linked to child sex scandals: Liberal MP Sir Cyril Smith and disgraced traitor Anthony Blunt

The list emerged at meetings in 1988 between child protection officials and the guest house’s manager Carole Kasir, who died aged 47, two years later from a suspected overdose.

The paper said that 16 boys from nearby Grafton Close council home were allegedly trafficked to the guest house and abused.

Now detectives are to check social services records from Richmond, Wandsworth, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Hounslow.

Officers will also be examining copies of cash receipts and ­the guest house’s visitor records.

Famous names linked to child sex rings include Liberal MP Cyril Smith in Rochdale and disgraced traitor Anthony Blunt, the former Keeper of the Queen’s Pictures.

A complaint by Labour MP Tom Watson during a speech in the House of Commons sparked Operation Fernbridge. He claimed a paedophile ring used high-level connections to escape justice.

Ms Moss told the People: ‘They [police] were friendly enough but I thought it was heavy handed and a complete violation of my ­privacy..

The Met confirmed their statement to the Mail Online. ‘The investigation will be led by the Child Abuse Investigation Command.

‘The allegations under Operation Fernbridge were initially assessed under Operation Fairbank, which was from information passed to police by Mr Tom Watson.’

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2 thoughts on “Names of top politicians, royal aides and a famous pop star on list seized by police investigating child paedophile ring at suburban B&B

  1. I came here to unsubcribe due to the fact that when I see an e-mail from here I get extremely upset. I can not control these feelings and so the only way to solve the problem for me is to unsubcribe. God Bless You and all the little ones in the world that are being abused and killed around the world as I write this.

    1. 14thdaymom says:

      I am truly sorry to hear that you are unsubscribing. The truths of child abuse is disturbing and very difficult to bear. Many cannot. Still it does not erase the truth, and the truth should be told for the sake of the children. As hard as it is for the adults to grasp and imagine, just think of how it is for a child of 2, 3, 4 or 5 years old to handle the abuse.
      It is tragic.
      God bless you too.

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