How much money do foster parents make per kid?

With the government shutdown going on and all because of budget issues…i decided to take a look into some numbers related to foster care.
Especially with the illegal immigrants who bring their children over, or send them unaccompanied…
That’s another issue. let’s look at our own country and what they pay foster parents.
The numbers are absolutely shocking
(to read original source click here. )
A kinship foster family qualifies to receive monthly financial reimbursements and health care assistance for each foster child in their care.
Financial reimbursement, along with medical and dental coverage, will vary depending on the needs of the child or children. On average, foster families will receive around $675 per child per month.
(That’s about the same amount as one SSI check in Texas)
Then there’s a benefit called Permanency Care Assistance available to you to take permanent custody of the child or children in your care.
The PCA program provides monthly financial assistance up to $545 for each child until his or her 18th birthday, as long as the child remains in your care.
Additionally, you may receive up to $2,000 in reimbursement for activities (such as legal fees) related to preparing to take permanent custody of the child or children.
On any given day, there are nearly 438,000 children in foster care in the United States. In 2016, over 687,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care.
that’s alot of money the state is paying out to foster parents.
let’s do the math

in 2016 there were 687,000 kids in foster homes .. multiply that by 675$ the foster parents are paid for each one of those kids…
687,000 x 675 = $463,725,000.00 PER MONTH … that’s not counting insurance and benefits.

Now i am nobody but a layperson looking at math and common sense – but what that tells me is that when a caseworker goes to a home, if they do not find that anything is amiss, there’s no profit in that. So that leads one to wonder how many findings of abuse or neglect are budget findings… Are simply profit… Or even worse, quota based.
But that’s not all.he case workers get paid, the psychologists and teachers of the parenting classes, police officers, drug testing facilities, expert witness, judicial officials, lawyers, clerks, legal assistants, case investigators, visitation centers, teachers, transportation, insurance companies ( that in itself is entirely beyond belief, upwards of 1million dollar insurance coverage for foster care facilities and residential treatment homes), and many many more get paid

Any thoughts on this?